Heart of the Matter| Adam and Eve

I remember as a teenager reading the Bible and being very confused/conflicted about 4 initial Bible stories:

  1. Adam and Eve
  2. Cain and Able
  3. Abraham and Sarah
  4. Esau and Jacob

This post will only cover Adam and Eve.

It’s interesting how all of these include at least two people and not one in each scenario, but they all confused me in their own way- at least initially. Furthermore, when two or more people are involved in ANYTHING, sometimes it feels like you are on a rollercoaster because you can only truly control your actions not the other persons.

I felt like “justice” was not served, or that in some cases, a certain party was not treated fairly by God and I wondered WHY God made the decisions that he made—not just because he is God but just by reason.

Let’s start with Adam and Eve:

These two were the first bone of bone, fresh of flesh, husband and wifeas Adam cleaved to thy wife. True soul mates and VERY connected with God– so connected they could hear Him in the wind and speak to Him directly. God told them what was what—saying the tree of good and evil stay away from and do not eat and tree of life is ok–eat and live forever.


(1) I was confused why God seemed the punish Eve the most and the snake the least— he just got to be the lowest in the animal kingdom, crawl on his belly and #2 and Adam becomes a leader inspite of being a follower.

(2) I was extremely confused about this verse as well in particular: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel“- Genesis 3:15


(1) I missed this when I was a kid—that the tree of life and the tree of good and evil were NOT the same and one they were given permission to eat of and the other they were not. The tree of life wasn’t just living forever but it was that connection–that direct connection that we/they had with God, which after Obedience, was taken away from them/us.

(2) I was shown this in a vision/dream about 2 years ago (recorded via audio) that gave me clarity on this situation directly. Although the vision given to me was extremely vivid–it was of an ancient writing that I could not read/understand but what kept being repeated to me once I was fully awake was– “Letter to Phillip; a letter from Peter” and the vision after I was shown the script was of a wheel inside of a wheel with mutliple eyes in the shape of an “8“- what I would say by description reminded me of Ezekiel’s vision.

Once I researched, I came directly across an ancient script. The writings looked similar to what I had seen in my vision/dream. I had no prior knowledge that this script existed and, of course, there are a lot of sacred text that the “catholic clergy” decided was not good enough to be considered the word of God but this was what I was shown and discovered through a dream/vision from God as to what the physical manifestation looked like of the spiritual implication of what Adam and Eve did and how the verse above spoke of disdain for snakes that most people have in general but also how Christ plays a pivotal role in the restoration of power that was ONCE taken away the day satan sucessfully deceived Adam and Eve.

See: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/letpet.html

Cinderella Movie Review 2021-Amazon Prime

Although the classical Cinderella may seem a bit “out dated” in 2021, this 2021 version was VERY off script and not in a good way,

Of course there were the touching times, funny/witty elements, and some of the main elements like in the original movie— kindness, integrity, respect, love, and hard work were still incorporated. HOWEVER, less savvy, and distasteful things were introduced that were just as nasty if not worst than the step mother’s treatment of Cinderella.

A. Fairy God mother turns into Fairy Drag Queen— in this version of Cinderella, “Ella” takes in a caterpillar and provides a safe haven for it with the proper food for the caterpillar to grow and develop into a butterfly. Once it becomes a butterfly, it then transforms to a drag queen. Imagine the BEAUTIFUL transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly being the manifestation of a DRAG QUEEN. The NATURAL transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly was taken to new, yet extremely artificial AND petty levels with a drag queen as the result of this transformation– especially considering the the very heterosexual nature of a butterfly and their matting process. This is a an attempt to make something that is very unnatural, appear as “normal” or appeasing in some manner.

B. Choosing between being her own boss vs being a “queen” married to a prince who will become “king”-– This is a an “age” old struggle for which most of us would classify as “feminist” Ideology. In this version of Cinderella, females are told that they should chose what they want in life in regard to their dreams (college, sewing, modelling, etc) as opposed to “settling” for the “family life“. Although I do not think a woman should have to “settle” for one or the other—they should be able to have both (as many of us do). Now, I am not BLIND to the fact that we are set back in the king/queen dynasty era where tradition was VERY FIRM but—- ya gave me a DRAG QUEEN FAIRY GOD MOTHER—why couldn’t she have BOTH a life of luxury with a family, husband, and kids WHILE STILL pursuing her OWN talents–perhaps carving the way for fellow women to do something similar? What good would it be for a woman to accomplish such things in the workplace without anyone (ex. children) to carry her own values/ideas/linage and what greater influence would she have had as a QUEEN over someone who is just simply out to make a “name” for themselves? I think it’s because this movie had it’s own negative agendas that those things were not at all considered in the making of this movie.

C. Making a very clear choice of “Blurred Lines”— Near the end of this movie, there is a moment where the Prince, in order to be with “Ella” says that he does not even want to BE king and that it’s his choice rather or not he chooses the role of “king” or not. Historically, the role of “king” was place on the eldest son of the king to “carry the torch” so to speak. There is a sense of obligation here but with this obligation comes wealth and power, so most people in this position hurriedly took this role; the role was even fought over at times with a younger sibling or illegitimate sibling(s). He decides that he will “follow” Ella and give up kingship since if he were to become king, she would not be able to pursue her dream as a seamstress. Seems fair and sweet/loving right? Except they do NOT get married in this version of Ella and instead or are just “lovers” or “in love” for the time-— they don’t need to put a “title” on it. This is classic confusion/disillusion/ just go with the flow, non commitment —anything goes “talk”.

These days we are bombarded with the idea of NOT settling down…2 people live together for decades without marriage, have kids out of wedlock habitually and those who chose NOT to do this are looked at as if WE are the ones living in sin in this respect. Most people see themselves either “single or married” even IF they are in a committed relationship with someone. If they are not married, then they are “single” and if they are sleeping with multiple women/men, it is OK BC they are NOT married. Not being willing to give up some aspect of what one would deem “freedom” is equivalent to not being able to let go some of aspect of your “ego“–which is merely a satan concerned illusion.

The TRUTH is men and women with this ideology are NOT wife/husband material and likely exponentially stunted in growth spiritually (too busy living in the world and not in line/in tune with their spiritual being to see/adhere to/ understand truth , which is MUCH more important than their physical being) because greater chances are the chances that EVEN IF they are married, they will still feel at liberty to sleep around ,when the “feeling” comes to them. Some of us live solely in the world, while others of us live in the spirit and use this body as a means of passage—you do have to choose. There is NO “luke warm” –way of passage.

Some of us will take any role willing to pay the right amount of money OR the role that seems more “popular‘ at the timeregardless of the outcome or character. Which one will YOU chose?

Timeless Illusion

How precious is your time? Be mindful of who you spend time with and what you spend most of your time doing—- time is something you can never stop nor can you ever get it back. It’s a timeless illusion.

Consider the fact that time only seems to slow itself down when we are in a very negative/sad/depressing place-–yet when we are in a happier, joyful, beautiful place–-time seems fleeting. Why is this? They say time flies when you’re having fun. How can one slow time in these positive moments, the way it slows naturally in the more depressing/sad circumstance?

I think the answer to this question lies in who and WHERE you are emotionally. If we were to be as sensitive, vulnerable, feeling, open, authentic, and raw (and challenge those around us in those happy times to do the same) as most people typically are when tragedy strikes, one would get the same effect but in a positive situation.

They say, “live in the moment“—no, that’s what makes those moments fleeting and mostly vague in our memories. To “live” is “muscle memory“, we often go through life without thinking, without savoring, without much thought or feeling unless we feel some trigger– merely going through the motions.

I say digest the moments, immerse yourself in them completely. Some may fear that by doing this, the “other shoe may drop” but this is not the truth, it’s strictly fear based. If the shoe were going to drop—it will rather you did this or not. Take the time to appreciate what is actually happening instead of just diving in for the ride; this does take some very conscious effort but it is very possible and time will seem to slow itself like it does naturally when we are in a negative state of mind if some steady, conscious effort is put forth.

Time is just as certain as death, but much less compassionate until you fully appreciate what it brings. It marches on through the melancholy no matter how painful and joyous times, no matter the rhyme or reason, and if you get caught up in the wrong situation with the wrong people— you’ll find yourself deeply regretting the energy and time spent put forth in something/someone that turned out to be completely fruitless and unable to regain any of the time loss..

Be certain the people and things that occupy your time are completely worth it—whatever the test, whatever the rigor. It’s worth it.

The Perversion of God’s Rainbow

As I child, after a storm, I’d always look in the sky for a rainbow. Often times, I did not see it and it made me sad/disappointed. As I matured, I grew to understand something about rainbows: they appear just at the right time and at the right places for the right people to see and understand. In fact, it was the most unexpected times that I saw rainbows in the sky—sometimes even before the storm.

Let’s look at what a rainbow is- it is the splitting of white light, pure so that the colors of white light are seen. There are 7 colors in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet in that order and it’s always the same because of the different light wavelengths these colors have that go into creating those different colors from pure, white light.

The rainbow, however, can not be be created without moisture (Water), so it should also be noted that in the making of a rainbow, water is involved, not just the pure, white, light. 70% of our world and 70% of our bodies being made of water and the first color being red, the longest wavelength which is well known for it’s healing properties is even more telling of the mystery and love of our God.

It took 1 week or 7 days for the creation our world. Light was seen as “good” at earth’s inception. The throne of God is described as a rainbow (Revelation 4:3). Judaism acknowledges 7 heavens (ironically color bound).

A rainbow is God’s promise to man not to destroy this world and it’s inhabitants again; it is a covenant, a strong yet rare promise to us. Now religious or not, atheist or not, gay or not…for most people the rainbow, at it’s foundation, is seen a something beautiful, vibrant, and only obtained through light—not darkness.

In all the wrong that is within this world, we can agree that there are things that are sinful, immoral, wrong, without principle distasteful, etc. We can also agree that there are somethings that are worse than others but still wrong (ex. physically assaulting someone vs raping someone vs killing someone). That being said, why the rainbow (that unaltered, pure light that is being split to it’s foundation) of all symbols has been used to “represent” gay pride/LBT etc is not a coincidence. It’s another means of blasphemist mayhem that goes into an attempt to undermined, mock, and disrespect those things in this world that are pure/of light. There is nothing pure or of light about sexual immorality—not one thing.

Keep in mind that one of the main reasons the world was destroyed by the flood was because of sexual immorality and this also ties into Sodom and Gomorrah, which happened AFTER the flood — destroyed due to extreme sexual immorality and lack of righteousness in general.

It was on that same day that the water had receded enough that Noah and his family, including his sons and their family, could get off of the boat safely JUST to become intoxicated enough to engage in some form of homosexuality, which resulted in a curse.

There is a GROSS injustice happening in America, as I type, in the MIDST of a justice that is moral— AS it (that which is immoral) rides on the coat tail of the Justice that is moral, though not deserving, though under serving, though completely immoral. What will YOU do in this world in the day where the media and other social influences say that “Everything is right and everything is just” even though in your spiritual self knows otherwise?

Moon Rise|Moon Set

I am not into astrology, but I do like to star gaze and moon gaze from time to time—particularly if there is an event like a partial or full eclipse or just a full moon. I’ve been fascinated by the heavens since I was a small child. For more information regarding the full moon that is to come tonight see-When Do We Dream the Most?

That being said, a few years back, as it was nearing my birthday, I noted that the moon was due to set on my birthday that year at the exact same time in the AM that I was born over 30+ years ago in the AM. I looked at this based on the city I was living in currently and looked at my birth certificate for the exact time of my birth.

It very well could have been a coincidence, however, the 2 days leading into my birthday were super weird—-things were happening at such an exponentially slow rate—no matter what I was doing or where I was going—I was almost FORCED to wait a prolonged period of time before I got ANYTHING done, which was super frustrating and, in general those two days leading up just had multiple weird things happen like—someone stopping at a four way stop after me then me turning and them immediately full on pressing their gas as if I was all of a sudden invisible to them. If I hadn’t sped up, they surely would have hit me.

On my birthday that year, the things that followed were mostly peaceful and blissful and something I had been waiting for, and was starting to loose hope in, finally made an official appearance in my life. Of course I had a series of dreams that somewhat prepared me for what I was to expect ahead. It was a mix up of extremely happy and extremely troublesome times that year. Even some dreams that I had dreamed 1.5+ years prior started manifesting that year. It was the type of thing that truly makes you ponder the purpose and meaning of your life and all the steps you’ve taken leading to this point—where it is to ultimately lead.