Timeless Illusion

How precious is your time? Be mindful of who you spend time with and what you spend most of your time doing—- time is something you can never stop nor can you ever get it back. It’s a timeless illusion.

Consider the fact that time only seems to slow itself down when we are in a very negative/sad/depressing place-–yet when we are in a happier, joyful, beautiful place–-time seems fleeting. Why is this? They say time flies when you’re having fun. How can one slow time in these positive moments, the way it slows naturally in the more depressing/sad circumstance?

I think the answer to this question lies in who and WHERE you are emotionally. If we were to be as sensitive, vulnerable, feeling, open, authentic, and raw (and challenge those around us in those happy times to do the same) as most people typically are when tragedy strikes, one would get the same effect but in a positive situation.

They say, “live in the moment“—no, that’s what makes those moments fleeting and mostly vague in our memories. To “live” is “muscle memory“, we often go through life without thinking, without savoring, without much thought or feeling unless we feel some trigger– merely going through the motions.

I say digest the moments, immerse yourself in them completely. Some may fear that by doing this, the “other shoe may drop” but this is not the truth, it’s strictly fear based. If the shoe were going to drop—it will rather you did this or not. Take the time to appreciate what is actually happening instead of just diving in for the ride; this does take some very conscious effort but it is very possible and time will seem to slow itself like it does naturally when we are in a negative state of mind if some steady, conscious effort is put forth.

Time is just as certain as death, but much less compassionate until you fully appreciate what it brings. It marches on through the melancholy no matter how painful and joyous times, no matter the rhyme or reason, and if you get caught up in the wrong situation with the wrong people— you’ll find yourself deeply regretting the energy and time spent put forth in something/someone that turned out to be completely fruitless and unable to regain any of the time loss..

Be certain the people and things that occupy your time are completely worth it—whatever the test, whatever the rigor. It’s worth it.

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