Levels of Consciousness|Part 1

The physical body:

I’m watching this show on National Geographic about people who are addicted to heroin. It’s sad to see so many people who are using drugs to escape their physical reality, but that’s the number 1 reason why people even use (alcoholism, marijuana, coke, heroin, molly, mushrooms etc). The question lingers why do people want to escape their physical reality? What is obvious is that when you are trying to escapee something, it’s because you are not dealing with something internally within yourself. It could be because you don’t know HOW to deal with it or you are AFRAID to deal with it. It ranges from their lives not being what they expected it to be to (which creates stress), lack of self worth, to those struggling to adequately deal with their feelings/coping (such as loss, pain, anger, and other emotions they want to suppress) but primarily, there is a lack within their spiritual selves. The real issue with the drugs is that you get the some degree of a spiritual experience ( the warmness, almost floating in air feeling) but there is a deep disconnect because there is a lack of authenticity/wholeness that exist with substance/drug use, which can only come from the unbroken and healed spirit in an authentic way. I also believe this is the reason there is often a psychological addiction with these drugs. We often think of the substance themselves causing the addiction and don’t think outside of the box of what is inside of us that is so receptive to it’s intake and WHY.

Why can’t we reach the level of calmness, relaxation, and euphoria, without drugs? Why is this not sustainable? WE can go far beyond it, but the source is God, not drugs. That would, however, require more work…work on yourself and work for others.

On the physical plane, in a balanced and “perfect” world— our physical bodies are only here as vessels that house our spirit. The spirit is the most important thing that we have, even though most of us can’t see it. It’s imperative that our spirit is healthy so that we also have physical health. Of course there are other elements to this (food, environmental, stress etc) that contribute to physical health but the spirit is the element, both internally and externally, with the most pull.

The Spirit:

Your spirit is the essence of who you are (your morals, values, goodness–or lack thereof). It is your wholeness, your light, your being. Unfortunately, in this world, it’s goodness that often gets “spat” on. In spite of it, a good spirit is hungry for truth and goodness. Like a plant, it gets it’s nutrients from truth, integrity, light, and justice. This is why if the spirit is sick, the body is sick. The issue often lies and manifest deeply in those who do not embrace truth (unless it’s suits them), integrity (unless it benefits them or at least gives the appearance of benefit to them for the time being), and justice . Not everyone is innately good, not every spirit is clean, and every soul will not be spared– knowing the difference, intuitively, with those around you and who chose to spend your time and interact with, well, that’s most of the battle.

Clairgustance| Clear Taste

Biblical References:

Wherefore we faint not; but though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day.

-2 Corinthians 4:16

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.'”

-Revelation 10:9

“Does the ear not put words to the test, Just as the palate tastes its food [distinguishing between the desirable and the undesirable]?

-Job: 12-11

Taste and see that Jehovah is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him!

-Psalm 34:8


My experience:

I have only experienced this in dream state at this point. I was shown someone who I was in love with at the time, but who had also put me through a lot of emotional anguish. A scenario played out in the dream where things were great between us (which in reality it had been for some time) then suddenly became sour between us (which in reality this happened as well some time later) and in my mouth, during the time of the dream, there was an extremely strong biter sweet taste on my tongue and all in my mouth like nothing I had ever experience with any physical food I had ever eaten, and in the dream I was not eating anything. It was only the experience of the bitter sweet connection I had with this person I was tasting spiritually.

Toxic Personality Types

They go by many names:

Type A personalities| Overly Blunt people|Extroverts| Energy Vampires

Depending on your answers to the questions below, and if you’ve answered very honestly, then you most likely have a toxic personality. There are underlying reasons why people develop in this way and it’s not due to strong character, great self confidence and perseverance, etc—it’s usually quite the opposite. They feel inadequate in many ways, so they overcompensate by trying to be over the top, attention seekers all of the time.

Before I go further, I want to be clear, this post is not meant to be mean or bash anyone; it’s a post to inform and create awareness and maybe open the eyes of some, who may have been walking around this whole time with their the eyes shut–most likely out of a defense mechanism they developed as a child. Some common traumas are abandonment issues, general insecurity no matter what form, and lack of accountability.

Not all defense mechanisms are good—they may have helped you to get through something temporarily but depending on your answers to these questions below, it did not actually help you resolve the problem because you are still carrying around a crap load of baggage–quite in plain sight to others, though you may be completely oblivious that it is so visible to those around you. Some are worse than others, but they all suffer the same condition. The first step is awareness, then action, so that some healing can take place, but you’ll have to go into a deep dark place of vulnerability and honesty to get that complete healing since you’ve only been covering/masking up as a meager means of compensation.


  1. Can you have an opinion and respect other people’s opinion as well, when logical, factual, and sound, even though it may differ from your own?
    • Most toxic personalities do not respect other people’s opinions when it differs from their own. In fact, they will try to find any and every reason to interject and persuade why their opinion is right and the other person’s opinion is wrong. They have a need to feel as if they are always right, no matter the expense. Any and everything is always up for immediate debate—if you disagree with them.
  2. Are you annoyed by others talking in a group setting, in spite of your own conversation, or do you feel as if everyone and everything should revolve around you and your conversation?
    • Inevitably, the attention must always or very close to always be on these people or they get annoyed and will try to either drag you into their conversation as well OR join into your conversation with them as the new main speaker because they crave to be the center of attention at all time.
  3. In a group setting among friends, colleagues, or family when there is a decision to be made about where the outing will held and you are the one who spearheads the group (naturally, right?), do you ask others where they would like the outing to be OR do you give them options you have already picked and most likely already decided on in spite of you asking?
    • This is classic. Most toxic people are also very selfish and want to feel as if they are in control of others (often because they lack much self control within themselves or in their personal lives) even with small things such as this, and although they may outwardly appear, at times, to be generous or considerate, they have already decided on where the group will go and also where they will not be going even if they asked for others opinions. They only want it to appear as if they care about your opinion. They are only hoping the majority will agree (remember they are always right) on what they have already internally decided on. If by chance the majority does not agree, then they will try their best to sway the general opinion as to why they should go to the place they had in mind all along and not where the majority wanted to go. In general, they tend to be very manipulative/cunning in their interactions with others.
  4. Are the conversations you have with people almost exclusively about you ? Do you find yourself getting bored when the topic is NOT about you?
    • Imagine, if you will, having to listen to someone talk about themselves whenever you engage in conversations or have any interaction with them. They do not consider what you want to talk about or how you are feeling or your day or what is going on with you and those around you; even when they do ask about you, its only in passing , almost as a formality, but not out of real curiosity or concern; they simply only care about themselves and letting you know all of their troubles, woes, joys, and victories. They enjoy being nurtured but do not nurture in their relationships or friendships—and have a very hard time doing so. They generally are takers.
  5. Do you choose your relationships with people based on what the person can do for you and/or what you can get out of the relationship or person?
    • Now, someone may argue that everyone, regardless of their personality, chooses people based on this. I would counter that by saying that is simply not true. Although we all make decisions on our friends and partners based on mutual compatibility (ex. common hobbies/goals, good communication, mental compatibility, physical attractiveness, etc) not everyone makes decisions based on WHAT a person can DO for them–ex. financially, emotionally, career wise. These are not factors driven by love, common interest, and mutual respect, those are factors driven by greed and selfishness. In a good relationship, both people are bringing good things to the table, not out of benefits, but out of love and mutual respect for eachother. Toxic people are always draining others of energy—rather that comes in the form of money, emotions, time, and/or influence.

Common Symbols|Themes and their Meaning in Dreams

This will be updated periodically, as I’m adding to the list. Any of these can be literal, however, I’m speaking of things that are more symbolic than literal. They are NOT in alphabetical order– more so by category


Sunany of the celestial bodies are an indication of timing. The sun is an indication of new starts, so rather the sun in bright or dull matters (false/short lived start vs real start) , rather is seems closer to the earth vs further from the earth matters (Winter vs Summer)

Moon any of the celestial bodies are an indication of timing. It’s important to pay attention to the phase of the moon in the dream as well as it’s position, especially if there are multiple moons in the sky at time. it’s also important to see once you are awake what phase the moon is currently in— this can help you figure out WHEN something will most likely happen. How bright the moon is can indicate how profound and significant an event. the brighter the moon, the more positive the outcome, even if the moon is not completely “full” in the dream, if it’s light cast itself illuminating the ground— expect big, powerful, positive change. Most people tend to dream vividly and remember their dreams near a new or full moon phase.

Ex. If there are 3 full moons in the sky in your dream and they are diagonal to each other, this is most likely a series of events that will happen around or on the full moon and most likely are back to back or month to month—typically there is only 1 full moon in a month, but there are exceptions for longer months and this also can depend on the year.

Circles – this can be a group of 4 or 5 sitting in a circle. Pay attention to where everyone is sitting and look at those people as number on a clock going clockwise. This is also an indication of time. Typically when circles are shown in dreams there are several elements you have to draw from–the mood or tone of the dream (were you and others happy/sad/anticipating something, etc, was something being passed around the circle?). If something is being passed around in a circle, this object/symbol is what the timing is regarding.

Calendar (usually literal) – If at any time you are shown a calendar and a certain date in your dream, this is extremely important and is telling you the actual time/date of an event that is to occur; the event is likely associated with the dream that you are having and events surrounding it.

Events— If you are witnessing something in your dream (ex. you are holding someone’s hand that you do not know, you can’t see their face, etc)….and you are also shown (like a side view at the same time in the dream) an event happening (ex. someone’s birthday, a baby shower that is coming up in the near future for someone in particular, or just a person who you are aware of in reality)…this can give you an indication of time when the person whose hand you were holding will be revealed to you- sometime around said person’s birthday or baby shower etc). If you are given a number of days or weeks in a dream, count from the time of the event you are being shown.

GENESIS 28:10–19

Plane|Helicopterany means of transportation tells of a journey. Since planes and choppers are a faster mode of transportation, this type of dream tells that whatever this happening is, it will happen quickly. You will have to look for other indicators in the dream in regards to timing. Pay attention to who is on the plane with you, even if it seems to be people you do not recognize.

Carany means of transportation tell of a journey. Cars are a relative decent mode of transportation but not as quick as planes, so when you are traveling by car in a dream (particularly if the car seems unfamiliar), know that this may take a little time to manifest. Who is in the car with you matters as well as who is driving. IF it’s your own personal car in real life or if the car matches someone’s’ car in real life—I would take this dream more literally and it’s likely to happen sooner than later.

Busany means of transportation tell of a journey. With any bus dream, I will tell you that —this will take some time, most likely years to happensince buses tend to make multiple stops along the way-– unless it’s more of a literal dream Again, who is on the bus with you matter and who is driving the bus as well.

Genesis 1:6| Exodus 15:22-26| John 4: 14

Water| RainClean water and rain in a dream represents “renewal” and “rebirth“. It is liken to the renewal of the spirit and soul. It often represents growth of some sort (often that of character) in your life. This is true with a fountain or stream, lake, river, ocean (and as long as these bodies of water are calm)—any clean water is always a good sign. Merky /dirty/bitter water is not a good sign and can represent negative aspects to one’s health/ life or an attack on one’s health–particularly if you are standing, bathing, or drinking it.

Genesis 9:12-13|Ezekiel 1:28|Revelation 4:3|Revelation 10:1

Rainbows– rainbows are a symbol of God’s grace and his promise to you- those promises are only those that you would know in your walk with God. It represents divine intervention. If you see multiple rainbows, that means that there are multiple graces/promises of God about to manifest for you. The timing for this, if you are dreaming it, is very near–sooner than later.

Tornado– Tornadoes by nature, are destructive. If you dream of a tornado, it tells of destruction (but this can also be literal); if in your dream, there is a tornado and your house/people and property sustained little to no damage, this dream shows that you have God’s covering and protection over your life and that your foundation with Him is strong. If you do not have this type of relationship with God, then He is granting you His mercy and grace. If there is damage, it doesn’t mean you do not have God’s love and protection but that you may face a trial; the timing on this will be sudden and without warning, as most tornadoes are.


Hebrews 4:12|Isaiah 54:17|Psalm 57:4|Ephesians 6:10-18

Swords|Words– If you dream of a sword, it represents positive spiritual power. If you are the one holding the sword and using it against an enemy, and you kill the enemy— this means that you will be victorious against the plans of those plotting or coming against you. You may dream that someone else is using the sword to help you by killing the enemy–-this also means you will be victorious in a situation but with the help of an unseen source (angel) or a friend. Swords are also words. The Word of God is a double edged sword. If you are up against a negative spiritual entity in a dream (or period) , and you use your mouth to speak against it by internalizing and speaking outwardly the Word of God against it, standing firm—it will flee!

Guns/Arrows – Guns and arrows in dreams can be scary, especially if you are on the receiving end of the bullet or arrow. If you are hit by a bullet or arrow, this represents some form of suffering/injury/loss. This may be an emotional/mental/financial/spiritual wound and not necessarily physical in waking life. Where you are shot does matter in the dream and typically represents how or where this suffering may occur. If you escape injury, you will triumph over the enemy and of course if you are doing the shooting against the enemy as well and you are successful in killing the enemy–you will be victorious against your enemy in that situation as well.

Fire – Fire is purification or cleansing. The purification or cleansing can be from emotional, physical, mental or spiritual trauma. It is to finally get rid of a thing- particularly if it is done intentionally. IF in a dream you find yourself setting something on fire (again, that has caused you some type of trauma)–consider the nature of the object or person that you intend to set on fire. It’s likely something from your past or maybe something you are dealing with currently that you’ve struggled with–seeing yourself burning it indicates that you are finally breaking a cycle. Of course fires can also be literal and can be seemingly accidental in a dream, used against you, or the cause may be unknown as to how it was started and you are trying to help put it out—in these cases—-the dream takes on a different meaning and other context will have to be considered.

Running| Being Chased– If you are running in a dream (and not being chased and do not have any anxiety)—it indicates that you are running towards a goal. ALWAYS pay attention to what you are wearing as you run (color (can indicate the type of circumstance surrounding the goal), condition of the cloths (Can indicate financial situation), shoes vs no shoes (indicates foundation vs lack of strong foundation–more on this later), and your physical body/if you tire easily (indicates endurance vs lack of endurance). If you are running and you are being chased– this indicates that there is opposition/ an enemy up against you. Keep in mind that even if you were successful in outrunning them, you will likely have a reoccuring dream of this nature in the future due to not “facing your demons” if you will. If you are caught or killed during this chase, you may face some difficulties in reaching certain goals, but it does not mean that you will not be ultimately victorious in it. If anything, it should be taken as a warning to put in 100 percent toward reaching your goals in waking life while being keen of obstaclesfigure them our before they figure you out.

1-Corinthians 6:19-20| Judges 16: 17

Hair– Hair is often a indication of beauty, confidence, longevity/strength and life. If in a dream you are seeing your hair in it’s natural state and it is full and healthy and you are confident, this is a good sign. However, if you are not as confident or worried with your hair, it could be a sign of illness to come in your immediate family.

Teeth – Teeth indicate vitality and finances. Teeth allow you to apprehend food and give nourishment to the physical body. A common dream is one of teeth being loose, borken, or teeth falling out; this dream can be literal but usually means that you are stressed out/ have anxiety about something that is most likely spiritual in nature— and as a result, aren’t taking good care of yourself (spiritual self which manifest in your physical body). This type of stress can manifest through your physical body but is typically an issue of the inner spiritthis is very important to understand. On the contrary, if you are dreaming of big pearly whites, strong and healthy teeth–your inner spirit is healthy and /or financial situation is extremely vital. Another common dream is to dream of being attacked/threaten by an animal without any teeth—it simply means save your money and you will be guarded during hard times that are to come.

FeetYour feet are your foundation. It is how you stand and get around in life. If you dream of your feet, bare but normal, this could speak to your lack in financial situation or status in life/ or on the job. If you feet are flat and bare—you may not know how or where to start with your finances and it will be an uphill battle of sorts to find your “footing”. If your feet are covered with new or decent shoes ( a covering upon your foundation), that means that your foundation/finances are good or on it’s way there. If you find yourself missing a shoe, you may be spending a lot of money and you should monitor your spending more carefully. Outside of money, feet can indicate your health, if your feet look normal in a dream, this is a good sign of good health; if there is some abnormalities noted with your feet, there could be an underlying health concern. There could be something “chiseling” away at the foundation of your health (Or the feet of the one who you see abnormaliy in a dream).

Nakedness– Much like in the Bible, nakedness in a dream represents vulnerability. This is not necessarily a bad thing. IF, in the dream, you are comfortable with your nakedness (like Adam and Eve were before they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil), then this is a positive sign. It indicates that you are in this dream being truthful, raw, honest. IF you are embarrassed by your nakedness and are trying to hide/cover yourself, you should check your intentions in the dream and those around you–ask yourself if you being truly honest in a situation with yourself and/or with those surrounding you in that situation. Often times it is you not being honest with yourself because most naked dreams where the dreamer is embarrassed about being naked, the others in the dream who are clothed don’t even notice or seem not to see you are naked–there is likely something you are too critical of yourself about and are therefore, self conscious about.

Trees– Trees, if not literal, typically represent family. There is no wonder why when we look into our family’s past, it is closely associated with or often called a family “tree”. It is one unit with many elements from a foundation that has taken decades/centuries to grow. Trees in a dream with deep roots, indicate how well intact or firmly rooted your family unit is. Trees that are rotting from the inside out in a dream, may indicate there is a deep rooted issue that is eating away at a strong family unit that has gone unaddressed for years and is now starting to eat away at the core, which can be devastating to the life of the family as whole and going forward. If the tree is tall but has shallow roots, this indicates that the family unit sprung up quickly but will not be long lasting. A tree with deep roots, no matter how tall, will be long lasting. Flowers on a tree, depending on the type of flowers, can indicate fertility.

House– In a metaphorical sense, houses in dreams represent the body. The exterior is the physical and the interior is the spirit, heart, and soul. It can also indicate a particular family member if the house belongs to someone in particular. Outside of work, we spend most of our time and energy in our homes. It is the place that we are often feel the safest and therefore, the most authentic and relaxed. That being said, in a similar sense, the house can also represent your car or somewhere that you keep alot of your personal items. In the literal sense, our house in a dream can show literal events that are to take place in the home or around family matters and matters of the heart.

Ex. If there are snakes around the yard of your home or inside the home, it indicates there are spiritual enemies surrounding you that can in someway, if not gotten under controlled immediately, injure you (spiritually, mentally, emotionally). There are doors that have been opened to invite them in. Identify them, rebuke, renounce, and get rid of them to shut those doors. Keep in mind sometimes these “doors” are people and or places/subject matters.



Weddings|Wedding rehearsal – Weddings and wedding rehearsals in a dream symbolize physical death (symbolic in the dream and literal in real life) if not an actual wedding (which would not be symbolic but literal). This may seem odd but it’s true. Remember that the kingdom of heaven is likened to a groom and his bride and it is a transition from one realm to another.



Necklace– Necklaces in a dream represent a seriously committed relationship/marriage. It’s like an engagement ring or an indication that the person who gives it to you, or you to them, has marriage in mind and a future for the two of you. That being said, pay attention to the type of necklace it is. If it’s a cheap necklace or tarnished gold—this will likely go nowhere and it’s NOT serious or will not stay that way. If it’s a nice heavy/weighty necklaceeven if it’s not pearls, silver, or gold—it means the person is serious and really does want a future with you. However, if it’s like nice beads instead of pearls or something more expensive, it may mean this person is not in a great financial situation but their heart is genuine in wanting a serious relationship/marriage with you.

Flowers – Flowers can be literal or symbolic; I will only discuss symbolism. flowers typically represent one’s feelings/emotions and how that person will express those feelings/emotions; these feelings are typically romantic in nature, no mater the type of flower given if given to you by someone of the opposite sex and not related to you. The color of the flower are important. In general- yellow– means strong feelings of friendship but there are deeper emotions beyond friendship there–more of a Ludus love. This generally means that there is some courtship that will happen if accepted. Red flowers indicates passionate/Eros/love, white flowers indicate a spiritual connection and degree of purity, orange flowers are a mixture of yellow and red so they means that there is a deep friendship and passionate love that exist between the two. Blue and purple flowers represent a deep/Agape/unconditional love. Pink flowers indicate enduring love or “pragma” love. A bouquet with a mixture of flowers and colors indicates that the person is unsure about how they feel about you precisely—they are not clear on their feelings exactly, only that they are strong feelings and it’s difficult to decide on one or two so they come forward with them all. For more info on particular flowers, you’ll have to contact me directly—bc it can get too lengthy.

Wedding receptions

Shirts– Putting on a shirt in a dream that is given to you by someone else represents forgiveness and reconciliation. If you reject it in a dream, you are also rejecting the possibility of forgiveness/reconciliation towards someone. The color of the shirt is important and if there are any designs or words on the shirt, this too, is important and may reference what this forgiveness/reconciliation is about. Ex. If the shirt is white, this is about putting the past behind you and starting fresh, moving forward; the person giving you the shirt is the person who is forgiving you or asking for YOUR forgiveness; this depends on the circumstances surrounding things in reality and how you feel during the dream. The person giving you the shirt to put on is “covering” you in your fault, vulnerabilities, and/or hurt. Sometimes the person who gives you the shirt may not be the person you would think should be asking you for forgiveness or forgiving you for something—but that person who is in the dream may be an extension of the person that would better fit the script (ex. mother or father or grandmother of the individual you think fits the script).

Table– Tables in a dream represent serious upcoming conversations– particularly if you find yourself sitting at the table among other people and/or another person. You may or may not be able to recall what the conversation is about in the dream but if you do, rest assure this will also be what the conversation will be about in reality. The type of table does not matter (round, long, picnic etc) as long as the table is sturdy/strong–then you can be sure the conversation will happen in the near future. If the table appears weak/unsturdy—this means that you and/or the other people involved or not SURE about going forward with actions/talks and it may not happen at all. Table dreams usually happen pretty soon after the dream occurs (weeks to a few months) unless there is indication in the dream that it will be surrounding a particular event farther into the future.

Thumb Drive – Thumb drives in dreams indicate important information about someone or something, usually personal documents. If you see this in your dream, pay attention to who the information is associated with. You may be aware of what’s on the drive and you may not. Not knowing may indicate secrets.



Beds– Beds symbols a deeper connection with someone. If you see yourself and someone on a bed, there is a deeper connection between you and that person as a bed symbolizes very a personal/private space of an indivudal. As mention eailrier the house in the dream is a body so the more intricate parts of the body/house are within.

Snakes – No matter what anyone tells you, no matter how pretty, seemingly friendly or brightly colored, no matter how small, no matter how much of an animal lover you are—--snakes in a dream are always an indication of the enemyalways. There are NO exceptions. They are quite the opposite of renewal or rebirth. They represent stagnancy, death, setbacks, anger, jealousy, even rage. They are the energetic representation of satan. If you have a dream where there is a snake or many snakes around you or in your immediate environment, you need to check your “friends” and “associates” and tread carefully because not everyone who is around you and in your circle wishes you as well as you may think. If you dream of killing the snake(s) with a sword, this means that you are cleaning house and going in the right direction. If you get bitten by a snake or snakes in the dream, that means that you will sustain some sort of injury from the enemy.

Alligators – similar to snakes; indicate the enemy and is most likely spiritual in nature.

Crocodile– similar to snakes; indicate the enemy and is most likely spiritual in nature.

Scorpions– similar to snakes; indicate the enemy and is most likely spiritual in nature.

Owls – Owls are a bad omen and often seen in dreams as warnings. They often indicate illness or death. However, if you heed the warning by understanding and avoiding the circumstances around the dream, you will be able to avoid what you are shown as an outcome.

Appearing Younger in a Dream– Seeing someone who is in actuality older but in a dream appears as younger is an indicatio of 1 of 2 things– either this person/animal is about to cross over soon OR the person/animal may make a recovery from a major sickenes or ailment.













Money– In the dream world money can be an indication of literally— financially gaining something– but often more than not—it’s about a spiritual gain of something (spritual currency in the form of monetary gain).

Physically flying