Appearances| Changing Faces

Have you ever met someone who reminded you of someone else you’ve known before-–not only in their mannerism but even their physical appearance? You hear about people often breaking up with a girlfriend, boyfriend….divorcing their husband or wife (for various reasons of course)just to end up with another person who looks ALOT like the person they just broke up with/divorced right?

They may not look EXACTLY like the other person but there is a STRONG resemblance? This is not coincidental, and if you pay close enough attention or get close enough to the new person you’ve met, you’ll very likely find that they also have similar histories/stores/personalities/characteristics even if their backgrounds (culture, race, job, religion) differ.

The physical appearance of someone you’ve never seen before may OR may not say much to you. However, our phenotypical aspect may actually say more than what may meet the eye. Of course, there are genetic components that make up our physical bodies and even determine some medical conditions we may have or may be predisposed to as well as some of our mannerisms and the way we think.

This realization came to me over the years but within the last 6 months, it was as if I was getting an influx of this type of thing. I’d go to some social setting and meet someone who reminded me physically of another person I know, and as I talked to them and got to know them better, their personalities and even their histories were similar. WHAT is this about and how can this help you in your journey through a world that is obviously physical but MOSTLY spiritual in nature?

What if I said, our physical make up and genetic make up is a direct result of our spiritual being? I believe that these “similar” people take similar life paths and we may encounter or interact with certain people to learn certain lessons and sometimes to help others learn lessons. The lesson may be to avoid certain people based on your experiences, note that this avoidance has NOTHING to do with race but appearance physically and certain similar physical and personality characteristics. It could also be to give certain people a chance that you hadn’t before or you did in the past and it did not work out. Although life paths may be similar, one (over the other) could have chosen very different roads and therefore the outcome of their current situation/status is therefore different as well as where they are in this physical world spiritually. However, sometimes, both people chose the same path and so, you can expect the same result essentially.

Of course other elements come in play like how a person grew up (with both parents vs single parent house hold, foster system, loving vs more abusive situation, economics etc) but even with these things factored in, the former of what I’ve mention still factors in with almost inconceivable, considerable strength beyond the latter.

I’ve even found that people who I think I favor 80% or more physically —have gone though similar personal struggles in life that I have and often have similar characteristics that I do. This has been helpful in me understanding some of the struggles in the journey of my life coupled with my own, God given intuition regarding those things in our world that are of a very spiritual nature.

Deja Vu| Encounters

This phrase translates literally to “already seen“.

Having had this feeling multiple times through out my life, I’m in my mid- late 3os, so I have ALOT to say about it and a lot of experience with this. I’ll start with the senses. They truly are the most important– I can not stress this enough.

Hearing: Word Trigger. This is one of the two most common for me. There are times when I will hear a word or phrase from a certain individual/ group of people, read something in an article etc that triggers the whole thing. It’s as if I’m in another time and I can remember being in this EXACT moment before….

Seeing: around these EXACT people in this space and time. I look around myself quickly and recognize this scene, these faces, the color of a shirt, the scenario exactly at it is. Sometimes it’s an image that is the trigger that sends my memory into a cascade of events BEFORE they actually happen. In fact, I can also sense and just know exactly what is about to be said and done and WHY. Sometimes it is negative and sometime it is positive and sometimes it seems to have little to no IMMEDIATE effect (neutral). Sometimes, especially in the negative, it does not play out all the way as I thought. This is very important because we battle not with flesh and blood but with rulers and principalities in high places (Ephesians 6:12). During these times in particular, without explanation or reason nor logic, I am able to see people’s real/true intentions in spite of what they may try to portray. I know that when I am having these deja vu events that I am on the correct path.Seeing” is the other of the most common for me.

Touch: It has been in a hug or an intimate setting that this has manifested through touch in my experience. I’m hugging or touching someone for the first time but it feels as if we have hugged each other a thousands times before, and it’s not just about comfort, as a series of eerie known event unfold. There is an extremely deep familiarity and connection that exist that, at least in theory, should not.

Smell: This is perhaps the more rare of the my deja vu experiences but I have had it before. A smell that is not familiar to me, seems familiar to me and triggers events that seem to unfold right in front of my eyes. It could be the smell of someone’s perfume or cologne or the smell of a flower I’ve never actually smelled before, the smell of a certain dish that I’ve never smelled before in waking life etc.

Taste: I’ve never experienced deja vu through anything that I’ve tasted at this point.

When these events happen, which tend to be often for me, other doors (positive/good) are opened and I know that this is a new chapter/journey for me OR a new revelation in my current chapter/journey. It wasn’t until I was deeply in my spiritual walk with God that this started happening to me on a fairly regular basis.

Free Dream Interpretation |Instructional Guide

Interpreting dreams can sometimes be difficult because often they are not so straight forward, although sometimes they can be quite literal.

I am offering FREE dream interpretation (and this will never change as long as I’m doing it)–although it is limited due to my own time restraints to 5 per month; I remember when I started looking online for help with my own dreams and how difficult it was to find reliable information and even MORE difficult to find anyone who wasn’t charging money for it—I was surprised that my fellow Christians and believers were also charging large sums of money to help people understand their dreams and also develop their own spiritual gifts.

Often dreams fit into 1+ of 5 categories:

  1. Healing

2. Blessings

3. Direction

4. Warnings

5. Spiritual Warfare


When sending in a request, details are important (it can be audio or text). I do not only go off of what is given to me with detail but also with my intuition and I often pray to Yahweh about any dream before I interpret it–including my own. This has yielded the best results because I am not relying solely on my own understanding. There are some caveats I’d like to share and encourage you to do before you submit any dream:

  1. The biggest challenge and most important thing in any dreams is HOW YOU FEEL (and OTHERS) and WHAT YOU/OTHERS SEE, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH, and HEAR as things are playing out in your dream. This would include emotions as well as using your 5 senses (ex. warm weather, smell of spring….like flowers, cold, rainy, the colors of things, the taste and texture of things, the way something sounds, etc) The more descriptive, the better.
  2. IF there is someone in the dream you do not recognize, ask yourself who does the person REMIND you of (this can be physically, mentally, how they act, how they talk, general demeanor) and who/what that person is to you now or at the time you last knew them. This would also be the same for someone who you recognize physically but they are somehow acting out of character in your dream and it doesn’t make sense that it is that actual person—-ask yourself what is your relationship with the person you physically see in the dream (someone who you love, someone who is a friend, someone who you are associates with) and then ask yourself if there is someone who fits the description on the character level and is your friend, lover, etc? I will need this information including first names at least–including the dreamer.
  3. BE HONEST. Do not leave out details because one thing may seem completely unrelated or embarrassing. Often they are related.

Once I’ve started on a dream, It will take up to 10 days before the interpretation is complete. I will not ask any follow questions, I’ll just go off of what I’m given intuitively, prayer, and on details of the dreams itself. You may submit them in the comments or send an email- available on request. Please limit, as much as possible, to 2 paragraphs per dream or 5 minutes of audio.