Clairaudience|Hearing in the Spirit

You may have heard of this or similar audio where frequencies are played with and people, listening to the same audio at the same exact time hear different things . Ex. “Yandy vs Laurel“- See below

I actually can hear them both with one being more prevalent than the other and typically the more prevalent on for me is “Yanny

What does this have to do with hearing in the spirit? EVERYTHING.

Hearing in the spirit is all about hearing in different frequencies that most of us have drown out as we have aged or are not on a high enough spiritual plane to hear. Being in the high spirutal plane and not drowning out certain frequencies, allows you to have Clairaudience.

Clairaudience simply means “clear hearing”, but it’s deeper than being able to hear clearly in the physical. It’s hearing clearly in the spirit. In fact, there have been documented clairaudient deaf people. Imagine that!

Jesus was clairaudient:

Matthew 9:3-4 | Mark 2: 6-12

Matthew 12:22-33 – these passages have a strong meaning behind them and something that you should always be aware of. There are people and spirits who do not walk in the light of God but who can also be clairaudient; discernment and testing is always necessary–especially for those who are not as clear on the voice of God. Read: 1 John 4: 1-6

John 12: 23-30

My experience with this has been limited to right between waking and sleeping. I remember them because they were so vivid and clear and when I reach out to the people, whose voice, I heard, things were confirmed. I will focus on 3 important personal examples:

  1. A guy who I had just had a heavy dream about, early in our relationship, spiritually asked me… clear as day, “Are you happy?” His voice, very distinct and strong with his accent….. it was as if he were right there talking to me in my right ear. I woke up with a smile on my face and turned to him…surprised to find him snoring right beside me. I was so perplexed..I woke him and asked him if he had just spoken to me. I probed him without telling him what I heard. He seemed puzzled and said he had said nothing to me as he was sleeping himself. I let it go. Days later he asked me directly IF he made me happy.
  2. One Saturday evening after working, I feel asleep on my bed briefly, only to wake up to the sound of a close family member calling my name–again in the my right ear. Granted, this family member is over 500 miles away. Startled, I got up and thought I should call them—see what’s going on. It worried me—worry is the feeling that came over me with the sound of this person calling my name. The voice was not fractic or panicked but I got the feeling of worry. I called them and we talked for a long while and I probed about what’s new, whats going on with them. They revealed to me that they were about to have a minor surgery in 3 days under general anesthesia. Of course I was upset that they were just now telling me and they said that they would not have if I hadn’t probed so much. I always want to cover my family in prayer, going to the throne of God, seeking their protection, covering, healing in any situation, minor surgery or not.
  3. There are times when I can hear a very distinctive ringing in my ear(s)–again out of nowhere, no trigger–seemingly random, at least to me; I do not have any medical conditions that would contribute to this; typically it is surrounding an event that is about to happen, so when it happens I am always on the look out bc I know something is coming. It has happen too consistently and too frequently for it to be a mere coincidence.