Listening For the Voice of God

It can be difficult, in the beginning. You’re not sure of which way to go. You’re wondering if you’re are just “talking to yourself“, having “wishful” thinking, just lying to yourself because of what you desire…it can be difficult to decipher these things.

Here are some key things I want you to remember when you are listening for God’s voice (His voice is often subtle yet always profound):

  1. Know who you are in Christ and never question it.
    1. Some of us are saved and we hear words being spoken and actions taken akabaptisms” but we do not fully understand the actions we are taking or the indications and covering that happens once this is done. Our ignorance often hinders us in life, in general, but most certainly spiritually. Those who are born again in Christ are believers in God and his Son and the Holy Spirit. We sit (SAVED), even in our now physical bodies, at the right hand of His throne spiritually. Nothing and no one can change that unless we decide we no longer believe, follow His Word or dwell in God’s house.
  2. Does it hit you in the stomach like a punch to the gut?
    1. Everytime and I do mean EVERYTIME, I’ve had a gut feeling that punched (it literally feels like a punch) me regarding a situation it was always and I do mean ALWAYS right. It happens so infrequently (for me) that once it actually does happen, you remember it in vivid detail. Those gut feelings are from God. They are often warnings where you may not have had direction and clarity, you are then given it. Take it! I know it can be hard to take things in a literal way that you can’t clearly explain or see or completely understand without all the pieces of the puzzle in place (having evidence you can touch/see) but take it as a blessing because I’ve never found it to be anything other than that when it’s all said and done.
  3. Does it line it line up with scripture?
    1. If ever you are not certain of if a Word came from God, compare it to God’s Word itself. His Word does not change and has been purified by fire 7 times (Psalms 12:16). The bible says, test the spirits (1 John: 4).
  4. Hold every thought captive.
    1. Some thoughts we have are not from us, neither are they from God. It comes from satan in his endless tricks of trying to discourage you, confuse you, mislead you, and scare you. These are all schemes of the devil. Don’t believe them and do not be discouraged because you hear them. Often this is done to keep you off the right path that God has already set forth for you. Rebuke, bind, and cast away these thoughts in the pits of hell (do this outloud) and Keep going bc thee is a breakthrough coming your way!
  5. Keep your own thoughts quiet and PRAY about it.
    1. For me, this has been the toughest part. Sometimes, we want what we want when we want it. We sometimes act too quickly or don’t realize that what God has for us is at our finger tips or just around the corner and we actually prolong things by our ignorant/impatient/unknowledgeable actions. The first thought you get that is quiet, but sure is the one you want to listen to.
  6. Filter who you interact with, what you watch and listen to.
    1. In as much as we are physical beings, we ae also spiritual. The things we subject ourselves to affects our spirit man. These things can sometimes open doors of evil rather you realized the danger or not.You may not feel the affects immediately but they will be actualized spiritually and manifest physically in your life.
  7. Obey and see positive results from your obedience!